In this tutorial , you will learn how to give Oil painting effect to your photos in Photoshop. So just follow the steps and learn this easy method to create it for yourself . So let's get started!
Download Photoshop :-
Equipment I use :-
Primary Laptop :-
Secondary Laptop :-
Mouse :-
Original Image download link :-
Final Image PSD Download Link :-
Youtube Video :-
Steps on how to give this oil painting effect to your photos in Photoshop :-
So the first step is to create 2 duplicate copies of the image by pressing CTRL + J twice

Now keeping the top most layer active if it is not then just click on it and then go to Filter and then other and then select High pass over there

After that set the radius accordingly such that all the details of the image are visible and then click on OK

Then change the blend mode of the layer to Overlay

Now press CTRL and click the layer below it which will give you selection of both the layers and then right click on the layer and select Merge layers over there

Now go to Filter and then Sharpen and then select Unsharp mask over there

Then set the following , Amount : 150% , Radius : 2px , Threshold : 0 levels and then click on OK

Now again go to Filter and then Stylize and then select Diffuse over there

Then select the Mode as Anisotropic and then click on OK

Now rotate the image by 90 deg and then again apply the Diffuse filter with mode as Anisotropic

After that rotate the image by 90 deg 3 more times which brings back the image to as it was earlier and after each rotation apply the Diffuse filter with Anisotropic mode expect for the last time as it was applied in the start

Now go to Filter and then noise and then select Reduce noise over there

Then set the following , Strength : 10 , Preserve details : 0% , Reduce color noise : 0% , Sharpen details : 0% and then click OK

Now again go to Filter and then Sharpen and then select Unsharp mask over there and then set the following , Amount : 100% , Radius : 2px , Threshold : 0 levels and then click OK

Then create a duplicate of the image by pressing CTRL + J

Now go to Filter and then other and then select High pass over there and after that set the radius according to the Image so that all the details are visible and then click on OK and then change the Blend mode to Overlay

Now press CTRL and then select the layer below it which will select both the layers at the same time and then right click on the layer and select Merge Layers over there

Now again go to Filter and then noise and then Reduce noise over there and then set the following , Strength : 10 , Preserve details : 0 , Reduce color noise : 0 , Sharpen details : 0 and then click OK

So this will give you your Oil paint effect in Photoshop!
So that's it guys! So now if you guys liked this tutorial then hit the like button also share it to the ones who might be interested in such tutorials!
Youtube Video :-